Kuper (Sber Market)
Art Direction, Product Management, Product Design, Product Strategy, Identity & Branding
At Kuper (ex SberMarket), one of the largest e-commerce players in Russia and a subsidiary of Sber (largest state-owned bank in Russia), akin Instacart in the US, I was leading a team of 35+ wonderful designers and editors: 4 product editors, 2 communication designers, and about 30 product designers.
Here are some of the things I’ve accomplished over the course of 1 year:
– Led rebranding of the product with 15M+ MAU
– Hired more than 10 best designers on the market
– Reorganized, and created structure, in the design department
– Created a strategic vision for the product
– Established cross-team and internal-team processes
– Created and incorporated interface building rules in design and code
– Made some cool merch

There was a long and tedious process of rebranding, with multiple company names and visual concepts being tested. Below you can see one of the concepts incorporating rebranding and new positioning of the business and product. The one illustrated above is pretty conservative, not emotional, but it’s good for a wide audience.
Important part defined during my tenure at Kuper is the rules of building mobile interfaces after Kuper rebranding and mobile app redesign. It not only provided strcuture to designers’ everyday work, but also freshened up the interface, and made it more emotional, as well as allowed to stand out from the competition, which was a super-difficult problem because of highly-saturated online commerce market in Russia with comptetitors investing billions of dollars into their businesses.